On 24 Nov 2021, at 08:51, Fabiano Fidêncio fabiano@fidencio.org wrote:
On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 8:45 AM Christophe de Dinechin cdupontd@redhat.com wrote:
There is a Gaia-X hackaton on Dec 2-3, with a confidential computing track on Thursday.
Thanks for the head's up. For those who are not familiar with Gaia-X, would you mind to explain what's this about, how the community can take advantage of that, what's their schedule, and so on and so forth?
Gaia-X seems to be a project backed by the European Union and mostly driven by France and Germany to create a decentralized, open infrastructure.
https://www.data-infrastructure.eu/GAIAX/Navigation/EN/Home/home.html https://www.data-infrastructure.eu/GAIAX/Navigation/EN/Home/home.html
It's frankly relatively vague to me.
To me, the possible benefits are some funding for various projects. At this stage, I'd think that it's mostly bringing awareness of confidential computing efforts, and making sure that a) we are on the map, and b) they understand what are the benefits and trade-offs.
So I think there is some value in some of us being there to answer questions, but that's about it.
Unfortunately, it conflicts with our own Confidential Containers meeting.
Is this just a note or a suggestion to, maybe, change the time of the Confidential Containers meeting? If the latter, having the details I mentioned above can help the folks leading the meeting to have a better understanding of the Gaia-X impact and then make a better decision on what's the priority.
It's just an observation. If a large enough number of people interested in confidential containers believe that this is important, then we could simply defer the agenda for that week and use the time to listen to the Gaia-X presentation and answer questions. Or we can decide that it's good enough to be aware of their interest in the topic, maybe have only a couple of people attending who could take notes and report.
If we make the second choice, I volunteer to attend (I've been asked to), as long as you don't forget to record the confidential containers meeting ;-)
Cheers, Christophe
Best Regards,
Fabiano Fidêncio
kata-dev mailing list kata-dev@lists.katacontainers.io http://lists.katacontainers.io/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/kata-dev