Hi everyone. Last month we presented to the community the idea of a kata green CI https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vWCKYAQrxAFcuuxm60CBkqcO70SpmWoAqh_Hx4Gv5Jc/edit#heading=h.1hlxsk6xwa3i which basically focused on reducing the amount of kata CI jobs running to those *which are stable* (less than 5% false positives) and *have maintainers*. Since then Gabriela and Wainer worked to create a daily baseline set of jobs http://jenkins.katacontainers.io/view/Daily%20baseline/ which contain almost all the jobs agreed upon in the corresponding github issue Salvador opened https://github.com/kata-containers/ci/issues/403.
The goal in the upcoming 3 weeks is to review the stability of the jobs on the daily baseline tab (which run on the main branch) and work with the maintainers to fix any instability issues or to agree on removing them. As we also pointed out, any jobs which are not part of the daily baseline are expected to be removed from the kata CI http://jenkins.katacontainers.io/.
*How can you help this effort?*
- If you have jobs on the daily baseline please look at them to see their past few runs and in case there are failures start working on fixing them. You have a mapping from the daily baseline jobs to the kata CI jobs and owners written at the beginning of the page (daily baseline tab) http://jenkins.katacontainers.io/view/Daily%20baseline/ - If you have a job which is part of the kata CI and has not been added to the daily baseline you still have a chance to reach out to us to add it (assuming you are willing to maintain it and fix problems) - Join our meetings on Tuesdays 10AM EST (1 hour before the kata architecture meeting) to review the status of the kata CI and raise any issues you have. For those who didn't get the meeting invite this is the google meet: - https://meet.google.com/tna-zzpo-cmw
Comments and questions are welcomed.