Hi everyone,
The agenda for the Open Infrastructure Summit https://www.openstack.org/summit/shanghai-2019/summit-schedule (formerly the OpenStack Summit) is now live! If you need a reason to join the Summit in Shanghai, November 4-6, here’s what you can expect:
* Breakout sessions spanning 30+ open source projects from technical community leaders and organizations including ARM, WalmartLabs, China Mobile, China Railway, Shanghai Electric Power Company, China UnionPay, Haitong Securities Company, CERN, and more. * Project updates and onboarding from OSF projects: Airship, Kata Containers, OpenStack, StarlingX, and Zuul. * Join collaborative sessions at the Forum https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Forum, where open infrastructure operators and upstream developers will gather to jointly chart the future of open source infrastructure, discussing topics ranging from upgrades to networking models and how to get started contributing. * Get hands on training around open source technologies directly from the developers and operators building the software.
Now what?
* Register before prices increase https://www.openstack.org/summit/shanghai-2019 on August 14 at 11:59pm PT (August 15 at 2:59pm China Standard Time). * Recruiting new talent? Pitching a new product? Enhance the visibility of your organization by sponsoring the Summit https://t.e2ma.net/click/aq0kpb/ygpkur/q287bl!
Questions? Reach out to summit@openstack.org
Cheers, Jimmy