Greetings Kata Herders,
It’s that time again - the university outreach program has begun for the spring semester, & Kata Containers has been accepted as a project by North Dakota State University. Students have signed up to join in on the effort of “Rustifying" Kata Containers, so I am looking for volunteers to mentor students over a 12-15 week period. Following the processes used during the Boston University program, mentors will be expected to meet weekly with students via Zoom to review progress, as well as provide guidance via Slack in the #outreach channel & through Github. If you would like to join the effort, please add your contact information to the etherpad[1] linked below.
Cheers, - trilliams
Kata Containers | OpenInfra Foundation Twitter: OGtrilliams GitHub: OGtrilliams IRC: PagliaccisCloud