Kata issue backlog cleanup continues
Hi everyone. For the past 6 weeks we have been meeting on Tuesdays the hour before the weekly kata architecture meeting to work on cleaning the issue backlog. Our main focus is reviewing the issues that "need-review" however we are also trying to figure out what would be an effective way to label and track the issues in general. We currently have 154 open issues <https://github.com/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+org%3Akata-containers+created%3A%3E2020-01-01+-linked%3Apr+label%3Aneeds-review+sort%3Acreated-asc+> that need review and we would really appreciate it if additional people would join our cleanup meeting or review these issues independently (and remove the label once you are done). Once we have better control of the open issues and labels the idea is to use the github dashboard James created <https://github.com/orgs/kata-containers/projects/23?card_filter_query=label%3Arelease-gating> for tracking the kata backlog looking forward. Link to our weekly meeting (Tuesday's 10AM EST): https://meet.google.com/ttm-kvqf-tog Thanks.
participants (1)
Ariel Adam