Kata CI systems status pages
Hi all, This was discussed in last week's arch call, but for the record, and as not every makes the call, I'll post an update here.
Our CI system is growing. As such, sometimes we have tests and subsystems that are temporarily down (for whatever reason). This can make judging if a PR has failed a CI test for a valid reason tricky sometimes, particularly if we are in a 'time of CI turmoil'.
To try and help keep track of any known CI issues, we have put up a page on our Jenkins master to track the status: http://jenkins.katacontainers.io/view/CI%20Status/
Further, to try and make that page easier to find, I have linked to it from the top level info (the description/repo-URL field) of the ci repo: https://github.com/kata-containers/ci
Hopefully that will make PR review and CI checking just a touch smoother.
Thanks (and thanks to Salvador for investigating and setting up the page).
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participants (1)
Whaley, Graham