Absolutely. There will be IRC logs, and we can post a summary to the dev list as well. Anne Bertucio OpenStack Foundation anne@openstack.org | irc: annabelleB
On Sep 19, 2018, at 11:29 PM, Xu Wang <xu@hyper.sh> wrote:
Sorry, I think the time is really hard to attend for teams from eastern Asia.
it would be great If we could have brief notes or conclusions for the discussion.
On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 11:40 PM, Anne Bertucio anne@openstack.org <mailto:anne@openstack.org> wrote: Hi all,
Sorry for the back and forth on coordinating a meeting to chat about the Zuul transition. The purpose of this discussion is to get everyone on the same page about where the Kata team is in transitioning to Zuul, what hasn’t been working currently, get some solutions from the OpenStack Infra team, etc.
The easiest thing would be for the folks who are currently working on Jenkins/Zuul or interested in Kata’s CI to join the OpenStack Infra team’s weekly meeting next Tuesday, at 1900 UTC. They host their meetings on IRC freenode in #openstack-meeting [1]. Does that work for the people who would like to attend?
[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting>
Anne Bertucio OpenStack Foundation anne@openstack.org <mailto:anne@openstack.org> | irc: annabelleB
Xu Wang CTO & Cofounder, Hyper github/twitter/wechat: @gnawux http://hyper.sh <http://hyper.sh/>
Hyper_: Make VM run like container