Hey Folks, Our weekly CoCo weekly meeting will take place tomorrow (April 18th) at 2:00 PM UTC - 10 AM EDT - 10PM CST. We have a few topics to cover this week, after going through opens and blockers. First we'll look at the merge to main [1] and v0.9.0 release [2] progress. Then we should talk about one particular issue that Fabiano and Steve uncovered with the nydus snapshotter, as it could impact our release plans. Next, Ariel wants to talk about the project slides (we missed that last time) and about creating a working group for moving to CNCF Incubation. Finally, I hope that Wainer and/or Steven will be able to give us a quick update on the CoCo CI. Although we have a couple of juicy tech talks lined up for next weeks, feel free to propose and add more to the meeting agenda [3]. I'll see you All tomorrow. Cheers, Samuel. [1] https://github.com/orgs/kata-containers/projects/38/views/2 [2] https://github.com/confidential-containers/confidential-containers/issues/20... [3] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E3GLCzNgrcigUlgWAZYlgqNTdVwiMwCRTJ0QnJhL...