Thanks very much Snir! I've added you to the rota too ;) Cheers, James --- | Open Source Technology Center Intel Corporation (UK) Ltd. - Co. Reg. #1134945 - Pipers Way, Swindon SN3 1RJ. ________________________________________ From: Snir <> Sent: Thursday, 14 January 2021 12:35 To: Hunt, James O; Fabiano Fidêncio; kata-dev; Pavel Mores Subject: Re: [kata-dev] Giving review powers to Pavel Mores and Snir Sheriber Hi, Thank you Fabiano for raising this request and thank you James for the granting the permissions and for the warm welcoming, I can confirm I've got the invention (and used some of the granted power ;) ). I'm happy to be part of the kata community, help contributing to this awesome project and will ask silly question :) I would also love to participate in the rota, I'd appreciate if you can add me to the table as well James (I'm in EMEA ). Thanks, Snir. On 1/7/21 7:42 PM, Hunt, James O wrote:
Hi Fabiano,
I've added both to the groups mentioned so Pavel and Snir should now have received invitations [1].
Pavel, Snir - Welcome onboard! Fabiano mentioned responsibilities, so would you be willing to have your names added to the Rota [2]? If so, either add yourselves or let me know so I can add you (as shown, your turn only comes round every 4-5 weeks so it's not a huge burden ;) There is also a lot of helpful doc around the process, plus being new-ish to the community is actually a benefit imho.
On that topic, if anyone else wants to volunteer for the rota, we're always after more "eyes" ;)
[1] - I don't think we have a written process for how to get these sorts of privs and what is expected, so I'll try to work on a simple doc next week... [2] -
--- | Open Source Technology Center Intel Corporation (UK) Ltd. - Co. Reg. #1134945 - Pipers Way, Swindon SN3 1RJ.
________________________________________ From: Fabiano Fidêncio <> Sent: Wednesday, 6 January 2021 14:06 To: kata-dev; Pavel Mores; Snir Sheriber Subject: [kata-dev] Giving review powers to Pavel Mores and Snir Sheriber
Kata folks,
I'd like to ask whether Pavel Mores ( and Snir Sheriber ( could be granted reviewer powers (and responsibilities) for the following repos: * kata-containers/kata-containers * kata-containers/tests
Pavel has been doing the most part of his reviews and work on osbuilder, while Snir has been doing the most part of his reviews and work on the runtime / agent.
Of course, I do vouch for them, but I also would like to ask a second vouch from someone outside of Red Hat before having them added!
Best Regards, -- Fabiano Fidêncio
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