Good morning!, Kat Herders for this week ( ... Sebastien. This is one of the weeks when we only have one reviewer listed on the wiki ... if you feel you can step up and help a bit with reviewing and nudging PRs this week, please: - feel free to shout - edit the wiki page to reflect your intentions - or just plain get stuck in! ;-) I know I've been somewhat absent from PR review for a couple of weeks - and if I get my little backlog cleared down in the next couple of days will try to find some time to go have a reviewing session... Graham --------------------------------------------------------------------- Intel Corporation (UK) Limited Registered No. 1134945 (England) Registered Office: Pipers Way, Swindon SN3 1RJ VAT No: 860 2173 47 This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential material for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). Any review or distribution by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and delete all copies.