Jeremy, On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 9:59 PM Jeremy Stanley <> wrote:
I know lots of people are discussing the recent Freenode IRC upheaval and what it means for their projects. On behalf of the OpenDev sysadmins I've started a thread on the mailing list to get feedback from communities currently utilizing the OpenDev Collaboratory's IRC bot services in their channels on Freenode (meeting minutes/logging, Gerrit change events, OpenDev service status information, channel operator assistance):
Please follow up there with your thoughts, to assist in our decision making, so we can take the needs of your project into account. Thanks!
I've seen that some communities will end up moving to I'm not saying we should, but that may be an easier transition as that's pretty much freenode as it was before the issue, including the maintainers. Best Regards, -- Fabiano FidĂȘncio