Hi folks, We just discussed some questions about 2.0 in the AC meeting one hour ago and had some initial answers. I post the Q&A here for further discussion and we'd like to make the decision in the next AC meeting. - Q1: Is the next release is 2.0? or, say, if there is a 1.12.x release before 2.0? (working on 1.12 in parallel is ok for us) - A: We prefer to develop 1.12 and 2.0 in parallel because we think cloud-hypervisor still needs some features to be done. - Q2: (a) Do we want to support only rust-agent in 2.0? (b) Could we use ttRPC only (no gRPC any more) in 2.0? - (because of rust tool-chain, we might have to disable some un-workable distros as rootfs temporarily when we release 2.0, this is only about the osbuilder and users don't customize there own kata rootfs will not be affected at all) - A: Yes. - Q3: Do we want to do the repo consolidation in 2.0 (in kata-containers repo)? - (agent, runtime, shim... into single repo for the convenience of testing/dev) - Q3x: Would that use submodules or straight consolidation? - Ax: plan to be a straight consolidation - A: Yes, we want, however, we may complete this in several releases. - Q4: Should we promote shimv2 as default instead of cmd line? - A: Yes, Samuel thought we should try to remove the legacy shim-v1 support. - docker support v1 only right now, so does Podman - we should work on moby shim-v2 support - at least we think this is not a blocker for 2.0 release - Q5: Should we promote cloud-hypervisor as default in 2.0? - A: Yes, but we still have some ongoing works: - cloud-hypervisor integration: https://github.com/orgs/kata-containers/projects/21 (ref the meeting notes: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Kata_Containers_2020_Architecture_Committee...) Any more ideas? Cheers! Xu -- Xu Wang (@gnawux) Senior Staff Engineer at Ant Financial A Member of Kata Containers Architecture Committee