Hi everyone. With the help of Tuomas Kuosmanen from RH we have been working on creating a few logo options for the confidential containers project. Overall the idea of the logo is a hexagon shell (which looks like a cube on the outline) and inside a cube representing the container. So overall it's a container inside a shell protecting it :-). Tuomas created 5 different variants for this logo using different colors and Samuel created a forum so people could vote on the color they prefer. For those interested the voting on the color is open *until Thursday the 14th of October on the next confidential containers meeting*: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfJw_SkRBw6k36KWyCrggcySaaq8WXVMR4wPCcmPevEoQo8lw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link Obviously if someone else is interested in providing a different logo to the list different from this approach they are welcomed. These are logo colors to vote on: [image: image.png] [image: image.png] [image: image.png] [image: image.png] [image: image.png] Thanks.