Hi, I’ve read through contributing.md[1] and the developer guide[2]. It looks like the recommended path might be for me to setup a linux box and use a packaged install. I typically develop on my mac, though, and I'm wondering if there's some best practices / tricks for working within darwin? Also, I work on a variety of projects and there is often a way to encapsulate the dev environment for each using vagrant or docker so the system isn't exposed to dependency cross-contamination :) Has anyone worked out something like that for their Kata work? [1] https://github.com/kata-containers/community/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md [2] https://github.com/kata-containers/kata-containers/blob/main/docs/Developer-... Thanks, Dan Middleton Principal Engineer Intel <https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/diversity/diversity-at-intel.html>