[kata-dev] Confidential Containers Community Meeting - 01/09/2022

Samuel Ortiz samuel.e.ortiz at protonmail.com
Wed Aug 31 21:14:27 UTC 2022

Hey Everyone,

Tomorrow (September 1st), we have our CC community meeting at 2:00 PM UTC - 10 AM EDT - 10PM CST

Last week we discussed several key topics related to our first release, and as our release deadline
approaches, it would certainly make sense to continue those discussions.

So we'll start as usual with opens and community updates. Then the enclave-cc maintainers will give
us an update about the project. The rest of the meeting should be focused on discussing release
related matters:

- Schedule for the first release and proposal for upcoming releases
- Current status for the operator and its CI
- umoci and skopeo removal: Progress and status
- Trusted storage related regressions

We should be able to resume including more long term discussions and topics to the agenda after our
first release is actually done. So is there's anything you'd like to discuss in future meetings,
feel free to add to the agenda [1].

I'll see you all tomorrow.

[1] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E3GLCzNgrcigUlgWAZYlgqNTdVwiMwCRTJ0QnJhLZGA

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