[kata-dev] Proposals to improve our porting activities
Hunt, James O
james.o.hunt at intel.com
Fri Sep 11 16:00:49 UTC 2020
Ugh. My mua combined two of those refs. They should be:
[2] -
[3] -
Le vendredi 11 septembre 2020 à 15:55 +0000, Hunt, James O a écrit :
> Hi All,
> TL;DR - Read the table in [2].
> # Porting process update
> As nobody screamed too loudly, we're forging ahead with the plan to
> improve our porting process. I've raised a bunch of PRs (one / repo)
> to
> add a new GitHub action to enforce a set of porting labels which
> **every** PR (yes, even yours!) needs to have set. Some of those PRs
> have already landed so you may notice an extra check at the end of
> your
> PR which will either have the dreaded red cross or the satisfying
> green
> tick, depending on whether your PR has been labelled correctly ;)
> I'm in the process of updating our documentation to exlain all this
> [1], but there is already a summary table which should give you the
> details you need on the tracking issue [2].
> # Questions
> - What if I don't know which labels to apply?
> Reading [3] might help to answer this. However, if you don't know,
> someone else will so fear not - someone will apply the labels (they
> have to, otherwise the PR cannot land!) If really stuck, just ask on
> the PR for help - none of us bite!
> - What if I can't see the labels on a PR?
> If you are not a member of the organisation or repo, you won't
> actually be able to see the labels. That's a problem, but is just the
> way GitHub works unfortunately. Again, one of the Kool Kats on the
> Kata
> rota [4] will be happy to help by adding the requisite labels.
> # Gotchas
> - Take care with the "backport" and "forward-port" labels - they
> apply
> to PRs that actually *implement* a backport or a forward port. All
> other PRs should be marked with a needs-${porting_type}" or "no-
> ${porting_type}-needed" label to indicate whether an actual forward-
> port and/or backport PR needs to be raised.
> # What next?
> As outlined on [5], the plan is to start automatically raising issues
> in the "other" repo when PRs are raised. For example, if you raise a
> PR
> in a 1.x repo, an issue will be automatically created in the 2.0 repo
> once the PRs porting labels are set [6]. That issue can be labeled
> automatically too. And that means we could potentially release-gate
> on
> whether there are any open issues, say, with the "forward-port" label
> but which do not have a corresponding merged PR in that repo.
> Cheers,
> James
> ---
> [1] - https://github.com/kata-containers/community/issues/172
> [2] -
> https://github.com/kata-containers/kata-containers/issues/634#issuecomment-688439361[3]
> -
> https://github.com/kata-containers/community/wiki/Porting-PRs-between-Kata-1.x-and-Kata-2.0
> [4] -
> https://github.com/kata-containers/community/wiki/Review-Team-Rota
> [5] - https://github.com/kata-containers/kata-containers/issues/634
> [6] - This might end up raising suprious issues occasionally if folk
> initially mis-label. I think we either live with that or only auto-
> raise the issues at a quiet period (is there one any more? :)
> ---
> https://katacontainers.io/ | https://github.com/kata-containers
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