Greetings cool cats & kittens,


Thanks to the momentum that you have all created with Kata Containers, the community has been invited by Boston University to participate in a mentorship program centered around the Kata Containers project. The program is part of a senior-level capstone class where a team of 5 students, guided by mentors from various open source projects, collaborate for 5-8 hours a week to learn about new OSS technologies.


More about the course & how the mentorship program is structured can be read here: 2022-fall-cloud 


To get to the point, I am looking for 2 or 3 volunteers willing to volunteer a few hours per week to act as mentors & provide technical guidance for student mentees.


I've started the process of building a project proposal on ether pad, which can be viewed at the following link:


As this is an open community, you are all welcome to make edits as you see fit in addition to (please) signing up for the mentor list. This opportunity is open to ALL of the community regardless of geographical location. If you are interested, please add your name to the Etherpad above. 


Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, comments, or feedback, or if you have suggestions on other similar programs that you would like to see Kata Containers involved with. Thank you all for being awesome. Have an amazing week.







OpenInfra Foundation

Technical Community Manager

IRC: PagliaccisCloud

Github: OGtrilliams