Really +1'ing Lokesh now ;)

Le lun. 15 oct. 2018 à 19:49, Jose Carlos Venegas Munoz <> a écrit :
+Lokesh, I forgot to add him.
On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 01:17:24PM -0500, Jose Carlos Venegas Munoz wrote:
> +Lokesh, he has taken up packaging kata containers for Fedora.
> Update:
> Based in the comments from today's architecture meeting.
> We are going for Kiwi to build the image in our OBS packages.
>    - This is a working solution for SUSE standards.
>    - For the other distros because we maintain them this is an easy
>      path.
>    - It would be nice to have another Distros involved to know what
>      is a good solution for adoption.
>       Lokesh(at Fedora): Do you have any preference/advice to make
>       more friendly the packaging process for fedora?
> -
> Carlos
> On Fri, Oct 12, 2018 at 11:06:31AM +0200, Marco Vedovati wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am adding some more details on the next steps.
> >
> > - We should have in the next days a new devel project on OBS.
> > - It will be set up with the target distributions and architectures.
> > - This project will one day become the official Kata repo.
> >
> > - For the golang components: we need new architecture independent package
> > source and build instructions.
> > - For RPM-based distro: I can kickstart this.
> > - For DEB-based distros: volunteers needed!
> > - For the kernel: probably the current spec file can be used, but it needs some
> > updates:
> > issuecomment-426641819 . This is another things open to volunteers
> >
> > - For the rootfs images/initrd: as James said, a discussion is ongoing about
> > the possible packaging solutions:
> > packaging/issues/219
> > Ideas are welcome!
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Marco
> >
> > On Thu, 2018-10-11 at 10:46 +0100, Hunt, James O wrote:
> >
> >     Thanks for putting this summary together Graham.
> >
> >     Some of the discussion around packaging the images has also found it's way
> >     onto:
> >
> >     -
> >
> >     Cheers,
> >
> >     James
> >
> >
> >     Le jeu. 11 oct. 2018 à 10:31, Whaley, Graham <> a
> >     écrit :
> >
> >         Hi all,
> >          We had a conf call yesterday to discuss our packaging plans with the
> >         OBS (SUSE) folks yesterday. I'll summarise here with a couple of
> >         Actions and the next steps.
> >
> >         Attendees: GrahamW, JamesH, MarcoV, FlavioC, CarlosV, ArchanaS
> >
> >         Marco put together a presentation, you can find at this link:
> >
> >         1lfkElJyOV9hfZY5TFzKuk5Thl_aMyh-xW5W8PQPlHmo/edit#slide=
> >         id.g43c0c246ee_0_157
> >
> >         Fundamentally the plan is to:
> >          - move from the current 'home' setup Kata uses to a 'devel' setup to
> >         enable supported packaging into openSUSE and SLES.
> >             - the devel setup will be maintained by a combination of Kata
> >         community members and SUSE employees.
> >          - rewrite the specs to be more in line with SUSE standards
> >          - Add some method to handle building (or as Carlos' & James other
> >         email/Issue - possibly externally build and host) the current binary
> >         files - namely the rootfs image.
> >             - a possibility here is to use the SUSE 'kiwi' tool.
> >
> >
> >         Question: Moving forwards, the Kata community will have to discuss/
> >         decide which rootfs image (that is, which distro is the rootfs base
> >         upon) to set as the default for the different distro packages. This may
> >         be influenced by:
> >          - the ability to build some rootfs images from sources/RPMs/kiwi, and
> >         others possibly not (DEB or Clear Linux based images maybe)
> >          - the 'natural choice' that maybe a distro package would use a rootfs
> >         based on the same distro (so SUSE would use a SUSE rootfs, Ubuntu an
> >         Ubuntu rootfs etc.)
> >
> >         There was some discussion around archiving older versions of packages
> >         so users have an option to pin or unwind their installations. There are
> >         some methods that may be useable for that in OBS - but, it needs better
> >         definition and testing.
> >
> >         There was some discussion around how for some distros (say Ubuntu as an
> >         example), we need to replace/over-ride the default golang version that
> >         comes with the distro to do a build of Kata. Presently we hold binaries
> >         in the repo for golang, and that is not acceptable in the official SUSE
> >         devel flows. There did seem to be a way to do this better (by adding a
> >         sub-package dependency).
> >
> >         There was a question if OBS can auto-detect new releases (of Kata), and
> >         automatically build. I think the answer is no, it does not do auto
> >         change detect/build - but, you can have a 'service file' that wraps the
> >         spec file builds and injects version info, so you can have a one-step
> >         update/build process (edit the service file and kick off a build),
> >         which reduces the burden.
> >
> >         Action: We'd like to ensure we do not duplicate any packaging efforts
> >         in parallel with other distros - that is, if another distro is already
> >         working on packaging Kata, then we do not want to invest too much
> >         effort on something that will then be replaced with a formal release
> >         from a distro. Julio - can you ascertain the current status and plans
> >         for Ubuntu Kata packaging for us please?
> >
> >         Action: SUSE would be interested in assessing the Clear Linux
> >         optimisations with a vew to applying them to the SUSE rootfs image.
> >         Graham to seek out details and contacts (all Clear Linux work is open,
> >         and will welcome adoption).
> >
> >         Action: Archana had a question about sub-versioning and how users flip
> >         versions - we ran out of time. Archana will open a GitHub Issue to ask/
> >         discuss.
> >
> >         Next step: The plan is to initially write the specs for SUSE in the
> >         devel area, and then migrate the other distro builds one at a time from
> >         home to devel. Marco and Carlos will work together on the devel scripts
> >         (with Marco taking the lead I believe).
> >
> >         I'm sure I've missed some finer details. It was a productive meeting
> >         and thanks Marco for pushing us along with this :-)
> >
> >          Graham
> >
> >
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