Hi everyone,

Several event CFPs are now open for events later this year. 

If you submit talks to any events, please add your Kata submissions to this pad so we can coordinate: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/KataTalks2019

Listed in order by CFP deadline:
* 5/24 - OCP in Amsterdam Sept 26-27 - https://www.opencompute.org/summit/regional-summit/schedule
* 6/15 - KVM Forum in Lyon, France Oc 30 - Nov 1 - https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/kvm-forum-2019/
* 6/16 - ONS in Antwerp, Belgium Sept 23-25 - https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/open-networking-summit-europe-2019/program/cfp/
* 6/22 - OpenInfra Days Nordics in Stockholm, Sweden Oct 2-3 - https://openinfranordics.com/
* 7/12 - KubeCon/CloudNativeCon NA in San Diego Nov 18-21 https://linuxfoundation.smapply.io/prog/kccncna2019/

The CFP for the November Open Infrastructure Summit in Shanghai will be opening very soon as well. I’ll update everyone when it’s live. 
