Hi everyone.
Going back to this mail thread.
Talking with Samuel it will be hard for him to move the time slot for the confidential computing use case (currently on Thursday every 2 weeks 8AM EST).

What we suggest is the following:
As pointed, we will ask to provide a status on the use cases progress during the AC meetings if time permits.

Comments are welcomed. 


On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 5:08 PM Eric Ernst <eric.g.ernst@gmail.com> wrote:
Makes sense to me, and I appreciate the change!


On Apr 7, 2021, at 6:26 AM, Ariel Adam <aadam@redhat.com> wrote:

Given that Tao agrees this makes sense I checked with Samuel as well.

What we suggest is that each use case leads (Ariel, Samuel, Tao) will send a separate doodle poll for their use case.
That way each of the use case teams can decide on a time that fits the majority of participants and also on the cadence of the meetings (every 1 or 2 weeks).

We will also propose to give a short update on the progress of the different use cases on the weekly AC meeting (if time permits).

Let us know if anyone has any objections before we send out the doodle polls.


On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 3:03 PM Peng Tao via kata-dev <kata-dev@lists.katacontainers.io> wrote:
Thanks for bringing it to the list Fabiano! I am interested in the
performance isolation use case and would love to see US folks present
their thoughts and ideas too. So I am all for it to split the use case
meeting and relocate to a time that works better for US folks.


On 2021/4/7 16:26, Fabiano Fidêncio wrote:
> Yesterday, Apr 6th, during the Architecture Committee meeting, we
> discussed the possibility of having the community use cases meeting
> split, and I assigned myself the action item to create a doodle and
> send an email.
> Well, let me start saying that I may have failed in the doodle thing,
> but I still am dropping the email with what I heard as a feedback and
> what I would like to suggest.
> I got the feedback, from more than one person, that the time for the
> community use cases meeting is not exactly optimal for everyone, and
> that is right.  For instance, it may be too early for folks in some
> parts of the US, while it is still too late for folks in Australia.
> With this in mind, I would like to ask whether there is the interest
> to split the meeting, allowing then the involved parts to talk to each
> other in a time that suits them best.
> So, this message is for everyone, but here I am explicitly looking for
> feedback from folks interested in:
> * K8S CI/CD pipeline with kata containers
>    - Here we have people interested from the US and Australia, so maybe
> a late meeting in the US time zone would benefit the folks in
> Australia.
> * Performance isolation
>    - Here we have people interested from the US and China, so maybe a
> late meeting in the US time zone would benefit the folks in China.
> If the parts involved in this have the interest to do so, let me know
> and then I will try to organise a doodle, set an official time, etc,
> etc, etc.
> We, as the community facilitating this communication, are here to
> facilitate the communication in a way that it will be beneficial for
> all the involved parts.
> Best Regards,

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