Hi Wei,

Feb 19th is not next Tuesday, is it?

On Sat, Feb 2, 2019, 17:02 zhangwei (CR) <zhangwei555@huawei.com wrote:
Next AC meeting will be held right at Chinese Traditional New Year, I believe most Chinese guys including Xu Wang, Tao Peng and I won't be able to make it.

I propose we postpone this presentation to next next AC meeting, and cancel this AC meeting too. What do you think?

发件人: Boeuf, Sebastien [mailto:sebastien.boeuf@intel.com]
发送时间: 2019年2月2日 1:04
收件人: kata-dev@lists.katacontainers.io
主题: [kata-dev] Virtio-fs presentation on Tuesday February 19th

Hi everybody,

I wanted to inform you that Stefan has kindly accepted to present virtio-fs to our Kata AC meeting. The goal being to get everyone on the same page about the architecture of this new filesystem sharing solution, and how it's a great fit to replace our good old 9p.

I hope you can all make it to the meeting as I'm sure you'll learn something interesting :)

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