Hi Ann,


How long is the tenure for the new seats? In perpetuity?





From: Anne Bertucio <anne@openstack.org>
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2018 9:59 AM
To: kata-dev@lists.katacontainers.io
Subject: [kata-dev] Kata Architecture Committee Elections: Nomination period now open


Hi all,


The nomination period for the Architecture Committee election is now open. 


How to run for a seat:

1) Review the responsibilities of the Architecture Committee members [1]

2) Between now and August 27 at 14:59 UTC, you can declare your candidacy for one of the three open seats by submitting a textfile with your name (please put your name as the file name), reason for running and your platform/objectives to this folder[2]. Please also send a message to the kata-dev ML with this same info, declaring your candidacy.


Election Process:

The full process is outlined here [3], but key dates are as follows:

  • August 20, 1500 UTC - August 27, 2018 14:59 UTC: Candidate nominations open
  • August 27, 1500 UTC - September 3, 2018 14:59 UTC: Q&A/Debate period
  • September 3, 1500 UTC - September 10, 2018 14:59 UTC: Voting open
  • Week of September 11, 2018, results announced


Who can vote:

Anyone who has had a commit merged into the project in the last 12 months will be eligible to vote. Because this is our first election, I’d like to test our electorate generation process--I will send a message to all eligible voters this week, and give anyone who doesn’t receive a message (who thinks they should have) a chance to raise their hand. Keep an eye out for those emails later on.


Please let me know if you have any questions about running for a seat or the election process!



[1] https://github.com/kata-containers/community/tree/master/elections#architecture-committee-responsibilities 

[2] https://github.com/kata-containers/community/tree/master/elections/arch-committee-2018-09 

[3] https://github.com/kata-containers/community/tree/master/elections 



Anne Bertucio

OpenStack Foundation

anne@openstack.org | irc: annabelleB