Hey everyone! 

KubeCon is fast approaching, so I wanted to send out one last reminder that OIF will be hosting a special gathering for the Kata Containers (and Confidential Computing) community at Downtown Louie’s Lounge[1] on Tuesday, October 25th 2022 starting at 5:00 PM. If you’d like an invite, please add your name to the google form[3] so I can get you added. Have a great weekend everyone, & I’m looking forward to hanging out with some of you next week.

[1]: https://downtownlouieslounge.com
[2]: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/Oct2022_PTGFeedback
[3]: https://forms.gle/hy7xoA4rdivS2ZE7A

- trilliams

On Oct 11, 2022, at 4:47 AM, Treva Williams <treva@openinfra.dev> wrote:

Hello everyone,

Congratulations Kata Herders on the successful launch of Kata Containers 3.0.0 ٩( ᐛ )و,! To commemorate your hard work, the OpenInfra Foundation is throwing YOU a special celebration during KubeCon[1] US 2022, which is right around the corner. If you’ll be in the Detroit area around October 24-28th & would like to join us for a special Kata Containers get-together, please complete this Google Form[2] so that reservations can be made. 

Thank you all for being an amazing community. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out either via email or Slack. Have a great week! 

T. Nichole Williams
Technical Community Manager | Kata Containers

Twitter: OGtrilliams
GitHub: OGtrilliams
IRC: PagliaccisCloud