Greetings Kata herders,

2023 has already kicked off to a great start with lots of great activities for you all to get involved with should you choose to, In addition to the NDSU mentorship program[1] currently underway, the Diversity & Inclusion working group[2] is also looking for representatives from all OpenInfra projects to aid in the rebuilding of the OpenStack diversity survey to assure that survey data collected is the most valuable & relevant to all communities. The D&I Working Group is currently targeting to create and release a new survey to help understand contributor demographics as well as challenges they face as they are participating in the projects they are interested in.

As an example to what scope the survey covers, please see this older OpenStack Diversity Survey:

Aiming for a June completion date, volunteers will gather during D&I working group meetings held on IRC & during PTG to discuss & implement agreed upon changes. WG meetings are held on the first Monday of every month in the #openinfra-diversity channel on OFTC. An online agenda[3] is available on Etherpad for async collaboration. 

In addition, we are looking for at least one more volunteer to collaborate with a team of 4 senior students for the NDSU mentorship program. If you would like to volunteer for either (or both) of these efforts, please let me know. 

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that this week’s AC meeting has been canceled for Lunar New Year celebrations. We will reconvene on January 31, 2023. In the meantime, feel free to add any topics to the agenda[4] that you would like to discuss. 

Thanks all, & I hope you have a great weekend & happy Lunar New Year to all.


- trilliams

Kata Containers | OpenInfra Foundation 
Twitter: OGtrilliams
GitHub: OGtrilliams
IRC: PagliaccisCloud