
The Confidential Container work is split off into it’s own set of repos that depend on Kata.

Have you seen the quick start here: https://github.com/confidential-containers/confidential-containers?tab=readme-ov-file#get-started-quickly


We also have a slack under CNCF that is specific to the confidential container project.

You can find a link to that and other community resources here: https://confidentialcontainers.org/community/





From: Yang Dongshan <east.moutain.yang@gmail.com>
Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 9:09
To: kata-dev@lists.katacontainers.io <kata-dev@lists.katacontainers.io>
Subject: [kata-dev] Fwd: Hard to use kata



Hikata maintainer


Do you have a complete tutorial about how to run ubuntu confidential container with kata?


There are many components related, such as k8s, containerd, runsc, docker, shim, what’s the relation between each other,

I haven’t find a complete tutorial to setup a kata container, through there are some fragmented docs or blogs, it’s hard to use kata.


Best regards,

Wencheng Yang