Greetings Kata Containers Community!


We are on a mission to create a glossary of Kata Containers related terms and want your help!


As the community grows and new contributors want to get involved, we hope to have a consistent definition to help familiarize them with the project. Similarly, having a glossary of terms has proven to be a good SEO tactic to gain more web traffic; by creating this glossary, we are hoping to have greater visibility to potential contributors, users, and supporting organizations. This is where you come in! We need your help to define the terms that we can use to educate future contributors


Below is an etherpad link. We ask that you add, edit, review, and collaborate on this etherpad to help us make the Kata community more accessible and understandable. If you think of more terms to add to the list, please do!

As always, feel free to reach out with any questions.





Kata Containers: