Hi everyone,

This week’s OpenInfra Live episode is brought to you by the Kata Containers community! 

The #KataContainers community is going to host community members from AMD, Ant Group, Apple, Huawei and IBM to share how they’re running Kata. Kata Containers Architecture Committee members and upstream contributors will provide an update on community development and the project roadmap.

Episode: Kata Containers Use Cases 

Date and time: Thursday, July 22nd at 9am CT (1400 UTC)

You can watch us live on:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9LtBfwj03Y
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:6821467132325445632/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/104139126308032/posts/4154104931311411/
WeChat: recording will be posted on OpenStack WeChat after the live stream

Samuel Ortiz (Apple), Brent Hollingsworth (AMD), Hubertus Franke (IBM), Peng Tao (Ant Group), and Shaobao Feng (Huawei). 

Have an idea for a future episode? Share it now at ideas.openinfra.live


Erin Disney
Event Marketing 
Open Infrastructure Foundation