On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 8:33 AM Peng Tao <bergwolf@hyper.sh> wrote:
Hi Ariel and Samuel,

Thanks for bringing up the use case driven community planning! Besides
the two proposed use cases, we (Ant Group) would like to proposal a
third one: workload isolation. A major production use case for Kata
containers inside Alibaba and Ant Group is to put together different
workloads on the same host, and prevent them from affecting each other.
We believe it is a common use case for many other companies too. We'd
like to share our experience and improve the specific use case together
with the community.

Is the gdoc
the place to collect proposed use cases? We can add it there if so.

Definitely :-).
Feel free to to add to the document your use case as #3.


On 2021/2/22 01:23, Ariel Adam wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> Going back to this thread, these are the current companies who are
> interested in joining the use cases proposed below:
> *CI/CD pipeline *
>   * Intel
>   * Red Hat
>   * Atlassian
>   * IBM
> *Confidential computing*
>   * Intel
>   * Red Hat
> We'd really appreciate if you could review the proposal document and let
> us know if you would be interested in joining this effort as well. The
> more participants and companies we get engaged the better chance we have
> to push this initiative beyond a nice idea ;-).
> Thanks.
> On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 7:06 PM Ariel Adam <aadam@redhat.com
> <mailto:aadam@redhat.com>> wrote:
>     Hi everyone.
>     Samual and I would like to propose 2 use cases for the kata
>     community to focus on in 2021 as a way to help the
>     community create a roadmap and improve its overall presence. The use
>     cases are *K8S CI/CD pipeline* and *confidential computing.*
>     In the document below we provide additional details on the overall
>     proposal, use cases, the why, the what and how. Generally speaking
>     we thought it would be more useful to present concrete use cases and
>     a proposed process to the community (weekly calls, commitment from
>     companies etc..) instead of just raising it as an open question and
>     high level ideas.
>     We do however want to emphasize that this is only a proposal and we
>     see it as a beginning of a discussion we hope to have in the
>     community regarding the plans for 2021.
>     Feel free to add comments/suggestions in the doc or reply on this
>     mail thread with your comments/feedback.
>     https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E3GLCzNgrcigUlgWAZYlgqNTdVwiMwCRTJ0QnJhLZGA/edit#heading=h.sebn8t4knuqa
>     Thanks.
>     Samual and Ariel.
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