On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 7:16 AM Pradipta Kumar <bpradipt@in.ibm.com> wrote:
Hi Ariel, 

>Hi everyone.
>Going back to this thread, these are the current companies who are
>interested in joining the use cases proposed below:

Great initiative to focus on specific use cases for 2021.

>CI/CD pipeline 
>Red Hat
>Confidential computing
>Red Hat 
>We'd really appreciate if you could review the proposal document and
>let us know if you would be interested in joining this effort as
>well. The more participants and companies we get engaged the better
>chance we have to push this initiative beyond a nice idea ;-).  

Me and few of my colleagues from IBM (Power Systems) will be interested to join the effort on Confidential Computing use case.
Have reviewed the use case doc.

Perfect :-).
Added you as well. 
Will give it until the end of week to see if others would like to join any of the now 3 use cases and we can kick it off from there. 


>On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 7:06 PM Ariel Adam <aadam@redhat.com> wrote:
>Hi everyone.
>Samual and I would like to propose 2 use cases for the kata community
>to focus on in 2021 as a way to help the community create a roadmap
>and improve its overall presence. The use cases are K8S CI/CD
>pipeline and confidential computing.
>In the document below we provide additional details on the overall
>proposal, use cases, the why, the what and how. Generally speaking we
>thought it would be more useful to present concrete use cases and a
>proposed process to the community (weekly calls, commitment from
>companies etc..) instead of just raising it as an open question and
>high level ideas. 
>We do however want to emphasize that this is only a proposal and we
>see it as a beginning of a discussion we hope to have in the
>community regarding the plans for 2021.
>Feel free to add comments/suggestions in the doc or reply on this
>mail thread with your comments/feedback. 
>Samual and Ariel. 
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